
Jonah Hill was only paid $60,000 for 7 months of work on Wolf of Wall Street


This is the happiest era in Jonah Hill’s blessed life. I’m being serious. He’s happier right now than when he was hanging out with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. He’s happier now than when he was bromancing with Channing Tatum. Right now he has his second Oscar nomination (proving that his first wasn’t a fluke) and he gets to talk about working with Marty Scorsese. And he’s bromancing with the King of All Bromancers, Leonardo DiCaprio. Leo even said “I love you” to Jonah at the Critics Choice Awards. It was Jonah’s dream come true. His heart leapt, his mouth was dry, he felt all of the love and warmth in every cell of his being. Bless his heart. For real. I don’t have a hate-on for Jonah at all – I do think he’s talented and he’s amusingly full of himself, which is always fun to cover. Jonah is a gift.

So Jonah did an interview with Howard Stern after he was nominated for his second Oscar, and there are so many gems. I love all of it. Some highlights:

Jonah took a paycut to work with Marty: “They gave me the lowest amount of money possible, that was their offer. I said, ‘I will sign the paper tonight. Fax me the papers tonight.’ I want to sign them tonight before they change their mind. I said I want to sign them before I go to sleep tonight so they legally can’t change their mind.” How much did he get paid to appear in the movie about wealthy stockbrokers? “It was the minimum. I think SAG minimum is something like $60,000 before commissions and taxes….Yeah, for an almost seven-month shoot. I would sell my house and give him all my money to work for [Scorsese] . . . I would have done anything in the world. I would do it again in a second. It’s not about money for me. None of this S–T is about money. I want to make money to pay my rent, and hopefully have a family one day and have kids and stuff.”

Career regrets: “I got to f**king be in a Martin Scorsese movie and I just got nominated for an Oscar. I’m tripping out, Howard . . . I’m in shock. I’m totally in shock.”

On his douchey behavior during a Rolling Stone interview last year: “I have no excuse but I was going through a really hard time in my personal life… I shouldn’t have been doing the interview. The gentleman (reporter) comes in (to a restaurant), he doesn’t know my name, he calls me a different name… and he treated me unkind and I felt threatened and insecure and I reacted unkind and not humble. I now know to never let my personal life affect how I speak about my or other people’s work… I am a kind person and I am a humble person.”

He has a therapist: After the interview was published, Hill immediately called This Is the End filmmakers Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg and apologised for his behaviour and then took the article to his therapist. He added, “I read it out loud with my therapist and then we spoke about it for an hour… I acted like a fool that day.”

[From Us Weekly]

He has a therapist? God, I love him. He brought that Rolling Stone interview to his therapist and they worked on it for an hour? Bless. As for Jonah taking the SAG minimum for Wolf of Wall Street, I can see that and I don’t understand why it’s a big deal at all. I mean, why are people making it sound like Jonah struggled for the love of his craft? $60,000 for seven months of work is still more than the average American gets paid, first of all. Second of all, Jonah probably made high seven-figures for the 21 Jump Street sequel. This is not a guy hurting for money at all.


Photos courtesy of WENN.


Filiberto Hargett

Update: 2024-05-21